Welcome to the Planetswimmer blog! Stories from swimming indoors and outdoors, from ice swimming to tropical beaches. Not to mention hotel pools!

More swimming-related articles:

Fresh swim at the Tuxbach. Very fresh. Brr.
What do you need after a hard day of skiing on the glacier? A small refreshening, perhaps? I wanted to swim at the waterfall in Hintertux, but it turned out to be both forbidden and not feasible. However, the water from the glaciers falls through the waterfall and then onto the Tuxbach, the river running through the Hintertux valley.
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August 2020, Tuxbach, Hintertux, Austria
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-River, Nature)

Park swim
I wanted a swim, but it turned out that recent floods had made the Schliersee lake larger. Much larger.
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August 2020, Schliersee, Germany
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Nature)

Achensee swim
Achensee was on my way back from the slopes, on the way to the Berghotel. Why not dip in for a swim?
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August 2020, Achensee, Austria
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Nature)

Secret path to the beach at Tegernsee
The whole Tegernsee area was crowded with people. And cars jammed on the roads. But miraculously, out of nowhere appeared first a parking lot, a walking path, and then path through the bushes to a nice beach.
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August 2020, Tegernsee, Germany
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Nature)

Weitentalbach swim. Or dip.
Another fresh swim in the Hintertux valley, this time on the Weitentalbach, a small river that joins the Tuxbach. It does feel good to shed the sweat and dirt of a ski day in the guaranteed-fresh-water of these rivers.
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August 2020, Weitentalbach, Hintertux, Austria
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-River, Nature)

Rusutjärvi, the long lost beach from my childhood
I saw my mom today in Hyrylä, and on the way back wanted to drop in for a swim, and visit a swimming place that I remembered from my childhood: Rusutjärvi in Tuusula.
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August 2020, Rusutjärven uimaranta, Tuusula, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Beach)

Late swim at Siikajärvi
Late, again. Past 9pm, and I'm in the back-areas in Nuuksio, at the Siikajärvi lake beach. Still, while I'm swimming the RC airplane enthusiasts manage to show up to give a flying demonstration :-) Cool.
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August 2020, Siikajärven uimaranta, Siikajärvi, Espoo, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Beach)

Too crowded!
I wanted to swim somewhere near Berlin. I thought Wukensee would be a nice place, but they were closing... so I drove to Bernsteinsee. They were not closed yet, but they also had way too many people. A little worried about the crowds...
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August 2020, FKK Strand am Bernsteinsee, Marienwerder, Germany
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Beach)

The pond at the sports complex
Another visit to my mom's place! While I was on my way to the airport (yikes!) I wanted to put in one more swim at the Finnish lakes. Or pond rather, the pond at the Tuusula's sport complex in Hyrylä.
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August 2020, Tuusulan urheilukeskuksen lampi, Hyrylä, Tuusula, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Beach)

Sahajärvi swim - The secret rapids
Fail. And fail again. My first choice of a lake turned out to be the water intake for Espoo. Maybe not swim there, in case someone doubts how well I wash my swimming pants :-)
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July 2020, Salakoski, Sahajärvi, Nuuksio, Espoo, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Nature, Waterbody-River)

Lippajärvi swim
Lippajärvi has a nice sandy beach swimming place. But I wanted something more private, and with less people. After some map browsing, I discovered that there's a short walking path behind the memory illness hospital. Maybe there's something there? A forgotten beach?
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July 2020, Lippajärven salainen laituri, Lippajärvi, Espoo, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Beach)

Hiidenvesi swim... eek oil barrier snakes
Ralf and I wanted to dip into the lake after a sweaty hike where we searched for possible new caves. Hiidenvesi was on the way... it looked nice, but I had never really stopped there. We went to the water... and found (eek!) oil barrier snakes drying on land. Maybe swim on other side of the peninsula?
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July 2020, Hiidenveden venepaikka, Lohja, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Nature)

Back to L.U.U.K.K.I. - Kaitalampi swim
I had already visited Luukki earlier, And had parking trouble, had to pay fees, etc. But it turns out the Luukki area has another lake as well, Kaitalampi. Kaitalampi is actually even better suited for swimming, and no parking fees!
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July 2020, Kaitalammen oma uintipaikka, Kaitalampi, Espoo, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Nature)

Vetokannas swim
Late is the key. Almost no one at the Vetokannas ex-sandpit, current beach & hangout place.
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July 2020, Vetokannas, Kaivoksela, Vantaa, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Sandpit, Beach)

Lauttasaari beach at night
Another day, another late start for trying to find somewhere new to swim in. I ended up driving to Lauttasaari, and visit their great beach on the west side. A good swim, there was a few people still on the beach after 9pm, but no crowds.
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July 2020, Lauttasaaren uimaranta, Lauttasaari, Helsinki, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Beach, Water, Waterbody-Sea)

Luukki swim
One of the most well-known recreation areas in the Helsinki region is Espoo's Luukki. Too well known, perhaps, too many people, crowds. But when I visited Luukki on a grey evening, I found absolutely no one else there. A peaceful, calm lake. Oh, and a parking police checking my own car was properly parked :-) It was.
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July 2020, Luukki, Espoo, Finland
Swimming (Outdoor, Water, Waterbody-Lake, Beach); Car

This is the 7th set of articles. The previous sets were set 1, set 2, set 3, set 4, set 5, and set 6. The next sets are set 8, set 9, set 10, set 11, set 12, set 13, set 14, and set 15.

The Planetswimmer articles appeared originally in the Blogspot Planetskier series, at TGR posts, or at the Relaa website. See also the articles about skiing, urban exploration, climbing, cycling, flying, caves, and saunas.